How VRTY viewing guide works

Experiencing and viewing VRTY’s VR and 360° projects is simple and straightforward. Learn about the different viewing methods that suit your device through our viewing guide. There are four ways you can view VRTY’s VR and 360° case studies.

Read the viewing guide below:

  • You will be streaming content from our cloud server.
  • For the best experience, make sure you’re connected to a strong internet connection.
  • Recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Safari. Unfortunately, we’ve yet to optimise for Samsung’s native internet browser.
Viewing Guide Video

If the viewing guide video above does not load or play, you can click here for the video.

VRTY viewing guide

Viewing on a Computer (360° mouse mode)

  1. Click on your chosen VR and 360° link. A new tab will be created and the VR/360° project will begin.
  2. Click on ‘Enter 360° mode’ and start the 360° project.
  3. Left-click and hold your mouse to grab the screen to swivel and explore around. The 360° image should move with your mouse.
  4. Once you see a marker, left-click on the marker to trigger it. Markers reveal images, information, video or teleport to another 360° scene.
  5. Click on the ‘X’ on the top right corner of the marker content box to close it.
  6. To close the VR and 360° project simply close the tab.

Viewing on a Smartphone or Tablet (360° touchscreen mode)

  1. Copy the chosen link to your device or click on the link to open it on your device.
  2. There are two choices to view the project. To view in 360° touchscreen mode, tap to choose on ‘Enter 360° mode’ and begin viewing the project.
  3. Touch and drag the screen to swivel around. The 360° image should move so you can look all around you.
  4. Once you see a marker, tap on the marker to trigger it. Markers reveal images, information, video or teleport to another scene.
  5. Tap on the ‘X’ on the top right corner of the marker content box to close it.
  6. To close the VR and 360° project simply close the tab.

Viewing on a Smartphone or Tablet (360° gyroscopic mode)

  1. Copy your chosen link to your device or click on the link and open it on your device.
  2. There are two choices to view the project. To view in 360° gyroscopic mode, tap to choose on ‘Enter 360° mode’ and begin viewing the project.
  3. Tap the gyroscope icon (the middle button) at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Once you activated the gyroscope mode, you have to physically move your device around to view.
  5. A small dot will appear in the centre of the screen, this dot will act as your mouse, position the dot on a marker (hold) to trigger it. Markers reveal images, information, video or teleport to another scene.
  6. To close a marker content box, move the dot away from the marker.
  7. To close the VR and 360° project simply close the tab.

Viewing on a Smartphone with Headset (VR mode)

  1. Before viewing, there are a few phone setting adjustments that need for the full VR experience.
    1. Increase the screen brightness and volume.
    2. Give your screen a clean.
  2. Copy your chosen link to your device or click on the link and open it on your device.
  3. There are two choices to view the project. To view in VR mode, tap to choose on ‘Enter VR mode’ and begin viewing the project.
  4. Place your smartphone into a headset, make sure to align the centre screen line in the middle of your headset lenses.
  5. A small dot will appear in the centre of the screen, this dot will act as your mouse, position the dot on a marker (hold) to trigger it. Markers reveal images, information, video or teleport to another scene.
  6. To close a marker content box, just look away to move the dot away from the marker.
  7. To close the VR and 360° project simply close the tab.

Experience some amazing VR adventures created by educators themselves using our viewing guide methods!