Virtual Reality and Immersive 360° experiences promise so much in education, however, the transition from vision into reality in the classroom is a lot more complicated than just buying headsets or launching students into an interactive experience.

Teachers have to think about its learning affordances, how to bring it into the curriculum and lesson plan, the pedagogical approach, sourcing the right equipment, and the different student capabilities and skills in using the technology; and made even more difficult for regional, rural, under-resourced and disadvantaged schools and educators.

These challenges are what WA school teacher Hayden Brown, Halls Head College, and Kingston Lee-Young, CEO of are trying to solve for Western Australian (WA) schools and education focussed teams.

Introducing VR4Good which is a not-for-profit social enterprise idea.

What is VR4Good?

VR4Good is a not-for-profit social enterprise idea to help to solve the accessibility challenges of bringing Virtual Reality and Immersive 360° technology into the classroom for regional, rural, under-resourced and disadvantaged schools and educational organisations.

Our ‘Zero-Budget’ VR programs will by providing equipment, platform licensing for project creation, pedagogical support, and tech support to schools so they can create their own immersive VR experiences that can be shared safely and easily within their school.

This will allow schools to harness the efficacy of 360° VR technology for deeper learning in schools and create new opportunities for student agency in their learning.

The collaborative approach between teachers and industry means faster identification of issues and the ability to solve them; and the ability to share their projects with their community through VR storytelling.

Our Mission

Humans are storytelling machines and VR4Good is looking to focus on the stories that matter to schools and communities. The implications that these opportunities can have for teacher pedagogy and student agency are vast. VR4Good aims to help bring these emerging technologies into reach of rural, regional, under-resourced and disadvantaged schools and communities across Western Australia.

VR4Good ‘Zero Budget’ VR Program

Our ‘Zero-Budget’ VR programs will provide the following:

  1. Equipment: a 360° camera, filming equipment, and VR viewing headsets;
  2. A 6-month platform licensing for project creation and sharing;
  3. Pedagogical support; and
  4. Tech support and training.

If you’d like to be a part of the program for 2023, please fill in the Expressions of Interest form.

An application process will be provided. Successful applications for the program will be determined by a judging criteria, which will also be provided at a later date. 


If you would like to be a partner or sponsor of our program, please complete the Expressions of Interest form and please write “I’m interested in being a partner of sponsor” in the message box.

    Expressions of Interest

    First Name*

    Last Name*


    Contact Number*

    School or Organisation*




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