The VRTY team created a list of VR ideas to bring immersive technology as an engaging educational activity into the classroom for students.

Teacher-led / created content

Student-created content
- Individual student work
- Group work
VR ideas – Subjects and topics
Education VR ideas
VR in Education is a tool among educators to provide a fun and engaging way for the class to learn and is growing every day. VRTY have the opportunity to be part of a few research projects to showcase that VR as a tool can help deeper learning.
This interactive 360° and VR ideas list will continue to expand as we continue to grow. If you have a VR idea, share it with us at [email protected]

- Multiple-choice quizzes (a,b,c,d)
- Decision-making challenges (a or b)
- Find the information, discover content

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash
- Learn to create marketing campaigns for businesses

Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash
- Different locations around the world (eg: The Great Wall of China, Pyramid, etc.)
- Erosion
- Space and planetary tours
- Water Cycle

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
- Geometric shapes discovery
- Examples to show Maths used in Real life

Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash
School Tours & Excursions
- Induction for new students and parent
- Camping trips
- Overseas trips
- Museum trips
Business VR ideas
VR in Business has been widely known to help with business training in a safe setting with a realistic experience. These are just some VR ideas that the VRTY team has come up with, the VR ideas list will continue to grow.

Photo by Thomas Drouault on Unsplash
Business Training
- On-the-job tours (offices, facilities, factories, retail)
- First-person POV simulations
- Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) training
- Worksite certification and orientation
- Customer Persona Scenarios
- Real-world settings

Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash
Medical Training
- Distraction therapy and pain management
- Empathy development
- Gradual exposure therapy for trauma and PTSD
- Hospital orientation and VR tours
- Patient POV training for medical staff
- Rare surgical training
- Social cognition training for young adults with autism

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash
Social Justice and Special Needs
- First-person POV understanding of their world / day-in-a-life-of
- Location or scenario familiarisation
- Refugees